Thursday, 8 March 2018

We owe.

Your birth was considered a taboo,
Each step you took since was subject to review.
The only valid reason to open your mouth was to satisfy the needs of men,
Human rights were wrong for you, hell you needed approval to even pick up a pen.
At times your lights are turned off even before you enter the world,
The atrocities you are put through can make even the bravest of men curl.

The darkest of men want to marry the brightest of you,
But brightness isn’t linked to the mind here, it means how your skin glows.
Everyone wants a son to carry the family name through,
Not one person thinks that if there aren’t any of you left there’s no way it will grow.
Oh and you should be a virgin too, sex is only a luxury afforded to the male species,
I wonder who they have it with though since homosexuality isn’t considered very peachy.
You should save yourself for after the vows,
While we go about spraying our semen everytime we feel aroused.

It’s not only the men that try and hold you back,
Sometimes it’s your own that give you the most awful slack.
Do something about your weight, work out not like you have the best rack.
Focusing on your career is detrimental to your marriageability,
You are subject to various superstitions and potions to enhance your fertility.
Well because if you and your spouse are not able to have a kid its clearly your fault,
No ones seems to consider that there may be something wrong with the liquid in his vault.

Everytime at a party you have more than a glass of wine,
Some boy will think you are open to sixty-nine.
Because alcohol works in different ways on both of us,
When you resist our advances we wonder why the fuss?
We drink to wash off the stress,
You drink as invitation to rip off that dress.
We create a weird paradox, when you refuse us you are no fun and a bore,
Yet when you think us worthy and align with our advances we proclaim to our friends later that you are a whore.
Because one night stands only stand for men,
For women its taboo to get out of their den.

In the corporate world it’s the same,
If you get promoted obviously you have slept with the boss.
You were evidently a great player of the game,
Your dress is what did the trick and ofcourse your lips with gloss.
Because why would it matter that you exceled in every department,
You obviously paid a visit to his apartment.

Yet it surprises me that we are called “stronger”,
I have never come across a statement which could leave so much to ponder.
In every department you have proven yourself to be capable.
Time and again you have shown with example that the world is changeable.
You have shown yourself to be financially independent,
That you need no man to tie you with a beautiful pendant.
You have made the world hear your voice,
You have made us see that you are no toys.

You lead in every aspect,
We are well aware of your abilities as a home maker,
But you lead in the corporate world as well with your trait of being a risk taker.
Sometimes I wonder if you are an evolved version of ourselves,
Exemplifying all traits and yet showcasing so much empathy.
If anything I think its us men who deserve the sympathy.
Sympathy being something which we shower our women with,
But when it comes to rewarding them basis merit that’s still a myth.

We owe you a promise and an apology,
An apology to segregate on the basis of biology,
And a promise to make the world a better place ,
For this world would be nothing without its women leading the race.
So come and stake your rightful claim,
Speak out, speak loud and we promise to lend a year without subjecting you to any shame.
While no apology will repair the damage already done,
It may help the world come out of this dark period,
So we promise to clear the way for you to rise like the sun.

We owe you no sly smirks when you gulp your drink,
We owe you no surprise when you make your point without a blink.
We owe you respect when you are our boss,
We owe you a mentality where you are there for more than just sauce.
We owe you not being the trash can for our failure,
We owe you a world where you are more than just our saviour.
We owe you a world where respect, love and empathy are not just a luxury,
We owe you are world where you are valued for more than just being motherly.
We owe you not facing the fury of our temper,
We owe you a world not judging on the basis of gender.
We owe you acceptance of your sexual choices ,
We owe you a world where we no longer muffle your voices.
We owe you a right to be educated,
We owe you a world where being a female is no longer ill fated.